I am happy to announce that my book, Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer, is a National Indie Excellence® Awards (NIEA) Finalist.
An established leader in publishing award contests, The National Indie Excellence® celebrate the analog book form as a vital sector of our industry. Recognizing excellence in all aspects of the final presentation, NIEA champions self-publishers and independent publishers who produce the highest quality books. Established in 2005, NIEA’s entrants are meticulously judged by experts from various disciplines of the industry including publishers, editors, authors, and book designers.
Winning and Finalist titles are determined on the basis of superior written content coupled with the various elements that comprise all the information in a published product. Jurors analyze titles across a spectrum of standards and metrics reaching a final consensus after their review.
Finding Ecohappiness was a Finalist in the Parenting and Family category.
Learn more about NIEA.
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